Allison Wagner Teixeira

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Papers Artigos

  • Particle-based model of active skyrmions, Motivated by recent experimental results that reveal rich collective dynamics of thousands-to-millions of active liquid crystal skyrmions we have developed a coarse grained particle-based model of the dynamics of skyrmions in dilute regime. The basic physical mechanism of the skyrmion motion is related to the non-reciprocal rotational dynamics of the liquid crystal director field when the electric field is turned {\it on} and {\it off}. Guided by fine grained results of the Frank-Oseen continuum approach, we have mapped this non-reciprocal director distortions onto an effective force acting asymmetrically upon switching the electrical field {\it on} or {\it off}. The coarse grained model correctly reproduces the skyrmion dynamics, including the velocity reversal as a function of the frequency of a pulse width modulated driving voltage. We have also obtained approximate analytical expressions for the phenomenological model parameters encoding their dependence upon the cholesteric pitch and the strength of the electric field. This has been achieved by fitting coarse grained skyrmion trajectories to those determined in the framework of the Frank-Oseen model.
  • Manipulating the shape of flexible magnetic nanodisks with meronlike magnetic states, The control of the magnetic properties of shapeable devices and the manipulation of flexible structures by external magnetic fields is a keystone of future magnetoelectronics-based devices. In this work we study the elastic properties of a flexible magnetic nanodisk that hosts a meron as the magnetic state and can be deformed from structures with positive to negative Gaussian curvature. We show that the winding number of the hosted meron is crucial to determine the curvature sign of the stable obtained shape. Additionally, we show that the curvature that minimizes the total energy of the nanodisk depends on geometrical and mechanical parameters. It is shown that an increase in the external radius and Young's modulus leads to a decrease in the curvature absolute value. Finally, it is shown that the nanodisk's shape also depends on the connection between the polarity and chirality of the meronlike state.
  • Motion-induced inertial effects and topological phase transitions in skyrmion transport, When the skyrmion dynamics beyond the particle-like description is considered, this topological structure can deform due to a self-induced field. In this work, we perform Monte Carlo simulations to characterize the skyrmion deformation during its steady movement. In the low-velocity regime, the deformation in the skyrmion shape is quantified by an effective inertial mass, which is related to the dissipative force. When skyrmions move faster, the large self-induced deformation triggers topological transitions. These transitions are characterized by the proliferation of skyrmions and a different total topological charge, which is obtained as a function of the skyrmion velocity. Our findings provide an alternative way to describe the dynamics of a skyrmion that accounts for the deformations of its structure. Furthermore, such motion-induced topological phase transitions make it possible to control the number of ferromagnetic skyrmions through velocity effects.
  • Effective potential for emergent Majorana fermions in superconductor systems, Majorana fermions cannot be found in nature as a free fundamental particle. Nevertheless, in condensed matter systems, they can emerge as a collective excitation. In this work, using functional integration techniques, we calculated the effective potential for emergent Majorana fermions in the Kitaev chain. In this case, we have shown the behavior of the superconductor parameter as a function of temperature. Furthermore, we considered surface-induced superconductivity in a Topological Insulator and calculated the effective potential for emergent Majorana fermions in this system. In the case of an s-wave superconductor, we obtained a gap equation equivalent to that one appearing in a quasi-two-dimensional Dirac electronic system, a candidate to explain high-Tc superconductivity. Finally, for the p-wave superconductor, we have obtained a critical value of the electron-electron interaction in the surface of the Topological Insulator, determining the existence or not of induced superconductivity, a remarkable result to guide experiments.
  • Analysis on the stability of in-surface magnetic configurations in toroidal nanoshells, Curvature of nanomagnets can be used to induce chiral textures in the magnetization field. Here we perform analytical calculations and micromagnetic simulations aiming to analyze the stability of in-surface magnetization configurations in toroidal nanomagnets. We have obtained that despite toroidal vortex-like configurations are highly stable in magnetic nanotori, the interplay between geometry and magnetic properties promotes the competition between effective interactions yielding the development of a core in a vortex state when the aspect ratio between internal and external radii of nanoturus is ≥ 0.75.
  • Antiferromagnetic phase diagram of the cuprate superconductors, Taking the spin-fermion model as the starting point for describing the cuprate superconductors, we obtain an effective nonlinear sigma-field hamiltonian, which takes into account the effect of doping in the system. We obtain an expression for the spin-wave velocity as a function of the chemical potential. For appropriate values of the parameters we determine the antiferromagnetic phase diagram for the YBa2Cu3O6+x compound as a function of the dopant concentration in good agreement with the experimental data. Furthermore, our approach provides a unified description for the phase diagrams of the hole-doped and the electron doped compounds, which is consistent with the remarkable similarity between the phase diagrams of these compounds, since we have obtained the suppression of the antiferromagnetic phase as the modulus of the chemical potential increases. The aforementioned result then follows by considering positive values of the chemical potential related to the addition of holes to the system, while negative values correspond to the addition of electrons.
  • Temperature × doping phase diagram of cuprate superconductors, Starting from a spin-fermion model for the cuprate superconductors, we obtain an effective interaction for the charge carriers by integrating out the spin degrees of freedom. Our model predicts a quantum critical point for the superconducting interaction coupling, which sets up a threshold for the onset of superconductivity in the system. We show that the physical value of this coupling is below this threshold, thus explaining why there is no superconducting phase for the undoped system. Then, by including doping, we find a dome-shaped dependence of the critical temperature as charge carriers are added to the system, in agreement with the experimental phase diagram. The superconducting critical temperature is calculated without adjusting any free parameter and yields, at optimal doping Tc ~ 45 K, which is comparable to the experimental data.